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Meet MicronView at SEMICON West 2023

publier Temps: 2023-06-27     origine: Propulsé

Meet MicronView at SEMICON West 2023

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SEMICON West is the flagship event for the North American microelectronics industry. MicronView will be in attendance at SEMICON WEST 2023 in booth #6185 exhibiting automation solutions in the semiconductor manufacturing environment monitoring field to these challenges through demonstrations of:

  • BAS ROBOT - BioAerosol Sampler Robot enables automated sampling in cleanroom environments through a mobile active air sampler with robotic arm that can automatically place and remove agar plates.

  • APC ROBOT - Aerosol Particle Counter Robot automatically arrive at user defined locations and complete sampling according to a set sampling scheme.


Visit us and discuss with our team how you can benefit from the advantages of our automation solutions >>>


  • Fast and simple installation and maintenance for labor savings

  • Enhancing efficiency through the use of advanced technologies

  • Reduce human presence in product stream and investigation

  • Risk aversion in controlled environments

  • Add on with on board temperature & humidity sensors

  • Full Sample-To-Result for enhancing plate traceability

  • Minimize human error and tighter integration with data center


Our automation experts are looking forward to meeting you and are at your disposal for specific appointments!

Further information and registration: www.semiconwest.org

MicronView Limited tire parti de l'optique et de la biotechnologie pour atteindre une surveillance de l'environnement stérile rapide et en temps réel, en fournissant des instruments de surveillance avancés et en consommables pour les environnements de production et les produits finis des industries alimentaires, pharmaceutiques et cosmétiques.

MicronView Limited

2300 Highway 365 Suite 110, Nederland Texas 77627, États-Unis
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